Sylvania High School

Scholarship Honour Service

Telephone02 9522 9951

Aboriginal community links


AIME participants

AIME is an educational program that gives our Indigenous students the skills, opportunities, belief and confidence in a variety of elements in their teenage lives including study, career paths, pride in their heritage and development into a sound and confident adult. University student mentors assist students in sessions throughout the year, from year 7 to 12, successfully supporting their transition from high school to their next stage. Sylvania High School have enjoyed numerous years with the AIME mentoring group, the students thoroughly enjoying the mentoring sessions once a week as well as their programming days at the UOW where students get a taste of university life, as well as bonding with other students while they participate in activities that assist in further developing social skills, knowledge in tradition and future endeavors.


Painting of Uluru with NAIDOC week written above the rock

Sylvania High School have enjoyed a long history in celebrating NAIDOC week every year. Our ATSI students take much pride in leading groups of their peers in activities, all assisting in presenting and gaining more knowledge into understanding ATSI history and culture, as well as truly grasping the real reason behind NAIDOC week activities. All Sylvania High School students have enjoyed these activities in the past, many providing positive feedback of learning a multitude of new facts and information about Australia’s Indigenous past, as well as understanding more about their ATSI peers.

AIME mural project