Attendance procedures
Roll Call
Roll call begins at 8:45am.
There is a full school assembly for roll call every day except Thursdays.
All students are expected to arrive at school prior to this time.
Late To School or Class
Students are expected to attend school and class on time, every time.
When a student arrives at school after 8.52am, they must sign in at the Front Office to obtain a late note. Parents/carers are required to provide an acceptable reason for the late arrival.
Teachers will not accept students to class without a late pass. If students fail to report to the Front Office when directed by their teacher, they will be marked as truanting in line with the Attendance Policy.
Students who are late to arrive at class will be issued a consequence by their teacher.
Persistent lateness to school or class is a behaviour concern and conseuqences will be issued in line with the school's Behaviour Policy.
Whole Day Absence
If a student is absent from school due to illness, parents/carers are required to provide an appropriate explanation within 7 days.
If the student is going to be absent from school for more than one day, parents need to contact the school and provide a medical certificate explaining the illness.
Early Leave
Parents/carers may request in writing for their child to leave early from school, only under extenuating circumstances. Early leave requests for Thursday Sport must be submitted to the school by 3pm Wednesday. The principal (or delegate) has the discretion to not approve the early leave request.
Extended Leave
Students on extended leave for more than 5 school days must submit an extended leave application to the provide to explain the reasons for the leave, and seek approval.
Note: family holidays and travel are not considered sufficient reasons for students to be exempt from attendance. Travel is considered to be any domestic or international travel for the purpose of a family holiday, family business, bereavement or other reasons. It includes single and multiple days.
Extended leave applications can be found on the website under Policies and Procedures: Attendance. Applications must be submitted at least seven (7) days prior to departure. Supporting documentation such as travel itinerary or e-ticket must be attached to the application.
Note: The principal has the authority to not to accept a reason for travel during school term as leave if it is not in the best interests of the student.
If the principal approves the extended leave application, parents/carers will be provided an attendance exemption letter and the absence will be recorded as explained/justified leave.