Digital Citizenship
At Sylvania High School we are committed to ensuring our students are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to keep them safe whilst in cyberspace. To do this we implement a range of strategies which may include the following:
- Our involvement in becoming an E-Smart school where our students learn how to use technology in a smart, safe and responsible way
- Professional development opportunities for staff where staff are equipped with the skills and knowledge to offer support and guidance to students
- Whole school ‘cybersafety’ program embedded in our curriculum across all year groups where students will be involved in a range of explicit digital citizenship lessons
- Presentations from our Police Liaison Officer focussing on the legalities associated with cyber incidents
- Encouraging students and/or parents to contact the Office of the Children’s eSafety Commissioner at report instances of cyberbullying and gather support information.
Please contact the Head Teacher Welfare with any further suggestions on how we can continue to meet the welfare needs of our students, especially in relation to cyber safety.
Documents available for download
Responsibility for Digital Devices
Students bring digital devices to school at their own risk – the school and school staff members will not accept any responsibility for loss or damage to mobile phones or for investigating loss or damage. Students who lend others their device may be implicated in its use.
What Is Inappropriate Use
Inappropriate use of digital devices including mobile phones occurs when it:
- disrupts or is likely to disrupt the learning environment
- interferes with the operation of the school
- threatens or is likely to threaten the safety or well being of any person
- used to bully, intimidate or harass other people through any voice call, text message or data transfer
- is in breach of any law or school rules.