Sylvania High School

Scholarship Honour Service

Telephone02 9522 9951

Transition Day 2024

Transition Day

We had an amazing day today for Transition Day for Yr 6 students enrolled for 2025.

Today the students:

  • completed an ACER General Capabilities test to help identify our high potential and gifted students in the intellectual domain and inform extension class placements for 2025;
  • engaged in a range of activities designed to create active thinking, physical capabilities, and socio-emotional well-being; and
  • came together for the first time as a year group and enjoyed fun activities on the oval followed by a bbq lunch.

Big smiles, laughs, and learning all around. Thanks for joining us!

Thank you to all SHS students involved for their leadership and to our teachers for your continued dedication and support!

Orientation Day for all Year 7 students will be held on Tuesday, 3 December 2024. We will provide more information about this day in Term 4.